Thursday, May 22, 2014

Sonic The Hedgehog Cubeecraft

This is my cubeecraft, I wanted to do something a little harder but I ended up Sonic, my final result. This was a little bit hard but the hard parts was getting sonic spikes on his head and the right color for his body, but overall this was fun for me I am condfident that this will turn out well. Sonic is a classic iconic Sega character and I thought it would be cool if I did a cubeecraft of him

Thursday, May 15, 2014


This is my quote, My quote not only brings a message but a life message for the future. We can't live in a fantasy but we can make our lives just as perfect


This is my logo, My logo is a sword and shield that came to me in a near death hallucination. I like this sword and shield because to me it looks cool and has more meaning than just a silly drawing. In the hallucination my vision was blurry. This was the best could make out of the two things, This is more than just a thing that I would be judged about